The instructional trail Alej Smíření (Reconciliation Alley) was established in the place of the former settlement Táflova Huť, about 5 km south of the town Vimperk. Three memorable trees - two lime and one oak trees - remind former live of people in this region.
The trail has two parts. The first one is made by combination of Czech national tree - lime and German national tree - oak. Altogether there were planted 34 trees. This part of the Alley is terminated directly in the place, where the settlement Táflova Huť was.
The second part of the Alley is formed by fruit trees. The informative boards in the resting area, which was established in the place of former Táflova Huť, are intended to get visitors acquainted with former coexistence of both nations in the borderland of the Šumava mountains.
The trail itself is not very long. Its significance is rather symbolic - growing limes and oaks together should remind us of easy coexistence of the Czech and German people in times before the Second World War. Access to the Alley is possible from the bus station in Vimperk, following yellow sign in the direction of the settlement Hájná Hora. It turns left through the valley of Pravětínský Potok stream. Possible access is also from Pravětín on forest road along Pravětínský Potok stream. Another way is from the settlement Korkusova Huť along forest road (about 2 km).
Interesting places on the trail:
The infomative boards in the resting area in the place of former Táflova Huť explain the symbolics of the Alley and history of coexistence of the Czech and German people in pre-war period.